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Field Day 2023


Each station on the layout should, by and large, stay on the band they are assigned, the 80m and 20/15/10 stations can easily run the FT8 mode by easily changing the radio's configuration with an SD card (this is the 7300's secret weapon), I'm not sure if Adam is set up for FT8.

The 3 stations are selected because they all have an auto-tuner and not a manual arrangement such as the clubs IC-707. It indeed could be used, however there will be those operating it that are not familiar with it. The 7300 just needs a button press to auto tune anywhere.

The GOTA station itself will only see action from the public on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Other than that it could operate experimentally as Doug and Marvin  have suggested.

With the use of N1MM+, it is quite easy to operate the station by just the operator. The station logger is only needed if the station operator wants one. Please, please, please...do NOT write down qso's on paper thinking to enter them later, enter the contact immediately into the log. As a result, each station should have a foot operated PTT and a desk mic  so that your hands are on the keyboard and not the mic.

REMEMBER, we are amateur radio operators who like to brag about how well we communicate, so lets do some communicating. There is a scant 3 weeks till the event, it will go by quickly...get things set up and done now, don't wait.

Results 2023

Each station on the layout should, by and large, stay on the band they are assigned, the 80m and 20/15/10 stations can easily run the FT8 mode by easily changing the radio's configuration with an SD card (this is the 7300's secret weapon), I'm not sure if Adam is set up for FT8.

The 3 stations are selected because they all have an auto-tuner and not a manual arrangement such as the clubs IC-707. It indeed could be used, however there will be those operating it that are not familiar with it. The 7300 just needs a button press to auto tune anywhere.

The GOTA station itself will only see action from the public on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Other than that it could operate experimentally as Doug and Marvin  have suggested.

With the use of N1MM+, it is quite easy to operate the station by just the operator. The station logger is only needed if the station operator wants one. Please, please, please...do NOT write down qso's on paper thinking to enter them later, enter the contact immediately into the log. As a result, each station should have a foot operated PTT and a desk mic  so that your hands are on the keyboard and not the mic.

REMEMBER, we are amateur radio operators who like to brag about how well we communicate, so lets do some communicating. There is a scant 3 weeks till the event, it will go by quickly...get things set up and done now, don't wait.

Here are the compiled 2023 Field Day results.
Please let me know of any errors or omissions that may be corrected before submission.
Attached the Cabrillo file for submission and snap shots of results from N1MM plus logging software used.

Congrats to Bobby VE3PAV for obtaining high score.

Each station on the layout should, by and large, stay on the band they are assigned, the 80m and 20/15/10 stations can easily run the FT8 mode by easily changing the radio's configuration with an SD card (this is the 7300's secret weapon), I'm not sure if Adam is set up for FT8.

The 3 stations are selected because they all have an auto-tuner and not a manual arrangement such as the clubs IC-707. It indeed could be used, however there will be those operating it that are not familiar with it. The 7300 just needs a button press to auto tune anywhere.

The GOTA station itself will only see action from the public on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Other than that it could operate experimentally as Doug and Marvin  have suggested.

With the use of N1MM+, it is quite easy to operate the station by just the operator. The station logger is only needed if the station operator wants one. Please, please, please...do NOT write down qso's on paper thinking to enter them later, enter the contact immediately into the log. As a result, each station should have a foot operated PTT and a desk mic  so that your hands are on the keyboard and not the mic.

REMEMBER, we are amateur radio operators who like to brag about how well we communicate, so lets do some communicating. There is a scant 3 weeks till the event, it will go by quickly...get things set up and done now, don't wait.

Overall Score

Each station on the layout should, by and large, stay on the band they are assigned, the 80m and 20/15/10 stations can easily run the FT8 mode by easily changing the radio's configuration with an SD card (this is the 7300's secret weapon), I'm not sure if Adam is set up for FT8.

The 3 stations are selected because they all have an auto-tuner and not a manual arrangement such as the clubs IC-707. It indeed could be used, however there will be those operating it that are not familiar with it. The 7300 just needs a button press to auto tune anywhere.

The GOTA station itself will only see action from the public on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Other than that it could operate experimentally as Doug and Marvin  have suggested.

With the use of N1MM+, it is quite easy to operate the station by just the operator. The station logger is only needed if the station operator wants one. Please, please, please...do NOT write down qso's on paper thinking to enter them later, enter the contact immediately into the log. As a result, each station should have a foot operated PTT and a desk mic  so that your hands are on the keyboard and not the mic.

REMEMBER, we are amateur radio operators who like to brag about how well we communicate, so lets do some communicating. There is a scant 3 weeks till the event, it will go by quickly...get things set up and done now, don't wait.

Score By Band
Score By Mode
Score By Operator

Each station on the layout should, by and large, stay on the band they are assigned, the 80m and 20/15/10 stations can easily run the FT8 mode by easily changing the radio's configuration with an SD card (this is the 7300's secret weapon), I'm not sure if Adam is set up for FT8.

The 3 stations are selected because they all have an auto-tuner and not a manual arrangement such as the clubs IC-707. It indeed could be used, however there will be those operating it that are not familiar with it. The 7300 just needs a button press to auto tune anywhere.

The GOTA station itself will only see action from the public on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Other than that it could operate experimentally as Doug and Marvin  have suggested.

With the use of N1MM+, it is quite easy to operate the station by just the operator. The station logger is only needed if the station operator wants one. Please, please, please...do NOT write down qso's on paper thinking to enter them later, enter the contact immediately into the log. As a result, each station should have a foot operated PTT and a desk mic  so that your hands are on the keyboard and not the mic.

REMEMBER, we are amateur radio operators who like to brag about how well we communicate, so lets do some communicating. There is a scant 3 weeks till the event, it will go by quickly...get things set up and done now, don't wait.

Bonus Points for submission

1. Public Location 100pts : Victoria Park, Owen Sound

2. ARRL Special FD bulletin : Attached

3. Emergency Power 100/stn : 300pts

4. Public Information Table:  ?
"100 bonus points for a Public Information Table at the Field Day site. The purpose is to make appropriate handouts and information available to the visiting public at the site. A copy of a visitor's log, copies of club handouts or photos is sufficient evidence for claiming this bonus. Available to Classes A, B and F. "

5. Message Origination to Section Manager: ?
"100 bonus points for origination of a formal message to the ARRL Section Manager or Section Emergency Coordinator by your group from its site. You should include the club name, number of participants, Field Day location, and number of ARES operators involved with your station. The message must be transmitted during the Field Day period and a copy of it must be included in your submission in standard ARRL radiogram or no credit will be given. The message must leave or enter the Field Day operation via amateur radio RF."

6. Site Visitation by a representative of an agency 100pts: Phill McBride VA3QR - RAC president

7. Social Media 100pts: ?

8. Safety Officer 100pts: ?  VE3RQY Greg Larocque
"This person must verify that all safety concerns on the Safety Check List (found in the ARRL Field Day Packet) have been adequately met. This is an active bonus - simply designating someone as Safety Officer does not automatically earn this bonus. A statement verifying the completion of the Safety Check List must be included in the supporting documentation sent to ARRL HQ in order to claim this bonus."

73, Adam, ve3fp

Each station on the layout should, by and large, stay on the band they are assigned, the 80m and 20/15/10 stations can easily run the FT8 mode by easily changing the radio's configuration with an SD card (this is the 7300's secret weapon), I'm not sure if Adam is set up for FT8.

The 3 stations are selected because they all have an auto-tuner and not a manual arrangement such as the clubs IC-707. It indeed could be used, however there will be those operating it that are not familiar with it. The 7300 just needs a button press to auto tune anywhere.

The GOTA station itself will only see action from the public on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Other than that it could operate experimentally as Doug and Marvin  have suggested.

With the use of N1MM+, it is quite easy to operate the station by just the operator. The station logger is only needed if the station operator wants one. Please, please, please...do NOT write down qso's on paper thinking to enter them later, enter the contact immediately into the log. As a result, each station should have a foot operated PTT and a desk mic  so that your hands are on the keyboard and not the mic.

REMEMBER, we are amateur radio operators who like to brag about how well we communicate, so lets do some communicating. There is a scant 3 weeks till the event, it will go by quickly...get things set up and done now, don't wait.

Field Day Special Bulletin 6
QST de W1AW 
Special Bulletin 7  ARLX007
From ARRL Headquarters 
Newington CT  June 24, 2023
To all radio amateurs

ARLX007 2023 C1AW Field Day Bulletin

This year as we celebrate the Year of the Volunteer, and we experience the ever-increasing propagation benefits of solar Cycle , 2023 ARRL Field Day is destined to be one of the best events in recent years.

Many amateur radio operators consider Field Day to be the highlight of their year. Since its inception in 1933, Field Day remains the largest ham radio operating event in North America.

What is Field Day? Whether it's an emergency exercise, a social activity, or just friendly competition between individuals or clubs, Field Day is what you make of it.

If you wish to participate as part of a local group's Field Day operation, find active groups near you by using the ARRL Field Day Locator search page at, arrl.org/field-day-locator.

Remember to publicize your participation in the event, before, during, and after the event using social media,perhaps even live streaming.

There are bonus points available for obtaining media publicity, so be sure to reach out to your local media outlets.

After the dust settles and all the gear is packed away, don't forget to submit your entry using the online entry form at field-day.arrl.org before 2059 UTC on Tuesday, July 25, 2023.

Good luck and 73!

Each station on the layout should, by and large, stay on the band they are assigned, the 80m and 20/15/10 stations can easily run the FT8 mode by easily changing the radio's configuration with an SD card (this is the 7300's secret weapon), I'm not sure if Adam is set up for FT8.

The 3 stations are selected because they all have an auto-tuner and not a manual arrangement such as the clubs IC-707. It indeed could be used, however there will be those operating it that are not familiar with it. The 7300 just needs a button press to auto tune anywhere.

The GOTA station itself will only see action from the public on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Other than that it could operate experimentally as Doug and Marvin  have suggested.

With the use of N1MM+, it is quite easy to operate the station by just the operator. The station logger is only needed if the station operator wants one. Please, please, please...do NOT write down qso's on paper thinking to enter them later, enter the contact immediately into the log. As a result, each station should have a foot operated PTT and a desk mic  so that your hands are on the keyboard and not the mic.

REMEMBER, we are amateur radio operators who like to brag about how well we communicate, so lets do some communicating. There is a scant 3 weeks till the event, it will go by quickly...get things set up and done now, don't wait.

Submission to ARRL

Congratulations! You've successfully submitted your Field Day entry, as well as uploaded all required documentation. Your confirmation number is 25jcoe9g. A summary of your submission is provided below for your review, as well as e-mailed to you. If you have any questions about your entry, please contact the Contest section at contests@arrl.org.


Entry received at: 2023-06-26 23:58:28 UTC

Submitted by: Adam Karasinski, VE3FP     E-mail: ve3izs@gmail.com

Call Used: VE3OSR     GOTA Station Call: (NONE)     ARRL/RAC Section: ONS     Class: 3A

Participants: 9     Club/Group Name: Georgian Bay ARC

Power Source(s): Generator

Power Multiplier: 2X

Preliminary Total Score: 1,290
Bonus Points:
Bonus Points Status
100% emergency power 300
Public location 100
W1AW Field Day message 100 Documented by FD_Special Bulletin 6 ARLX007.txt
Site visit by invited elected official 100
Entry submitted via web 50
Total bonus points 650
Score Summary - Cabrillo log/dupe sheet file: VE3OSR_FD2023.log
CW Digital Phone Total
Total QSOs 0 98 124
Total Points 0 196 124 320   Claimed Score = (QSO points x power mult) = 640

Bonus Points for submission
1. Public Location 100pts : Victoria Park, Owen Sound
2. ARRL Special FD bulletin : Attached
3. Emergency Power 100/stn : 300pts
4. Site Visitation by a representative of an agency 100pts: Phill McBride VA3QR - RAC president
5. Online submission 50pts

73, Adam, ve3fp

Each station on the layout should, by and large, stay on the band they are assigned, the 80m and 20/15/10 stations can easily run the FT8 mode by easily changing the radio's configuration with an SD card (this is the 7300's secret weapon), I'm not sure if Adam is set up for FT8.

The 3 stations are selected because they all have an auto-tuner and not a manual arrangement such as the clubs IC-707. It indeed could be used, however there will be those operating it that are not familiar with it. The 7300 just needs a button press to auto tune anywhere.

The GOTA station itself will only see action from the public on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Other than that it could operate experimentally as Doug and Marvin  have suggested.

With the use of N1MM+, it is quite easy to operate the station by just the operator. The station logger is only needed if the station operator wants one. Please, please, please...do NOT write down qso's on paper thinking to enter them later, enter the contact immediately into the log. As a result, each station should have a foot operated PTT and a desk mic  so that your hands are on the keyboard and not the mic.

REMEMBER, we are amateur radio operators who like to brag about how well we communicate, so lets do some communicating. There is a scant 3 weeks till the event, it will go by quickly...get things set up and done now, don't wait.

Each station on the layout should, by and large, stay on the band they are assigned, the 80m and 20/15/10 stations can easily run the FT8 mode by easily changing the radio's configuration with an SD card (this is the 7300's secret weapon), I'm not sure if Adam is set up for FT8.

The 3 stations are selected because they all have an auto-tuner and not a manual arrangement such as the clubs IC-707. It indeed could be used, however there will be those operating it that are not familiar with it. The 7300 just needs a button press to auto tune anywhere.

The GOTA station itself will only see action from the public on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Other than that it could operate experimentally as Doug and Marvin  have suggested.

With the use of N1MM+, it is quite easy to operate the station by just the operator. The station logger is only needed if the station operator wants one. Please, please, please...do NOT write down qso's on paper thinking to enter them later, enter the contact immediately into the log. As a result, each station should have a foot operated PTT and a desk mic  so that your hands are on the keyboard and not the mic.

REMEMBER, we are amateur radio operators who like to brag about how well we communicate, so lets do some communicating. There is a scant 3 weeks till the event, it will go by quickly...get things set up and done now, don't wait.


Each station on the layout should, by and large, stay on the band they are assigned, the 80m and 20/15/10 stations can easily run the FT8 mode by easily changing the radio's configuration with an SD card (this is the 7300's secret weapon), I'm not sure if Adam is set up for FT8.

The 3 stations are selected because they all have an auto-tuner and not a manual arrangement such as the clubs IC-707. It indeed could be used, however there will be those operating it that are not familiar with it. The 7300 just needs a button press to auto tune anywhere.

The GOTA station itself will only see action from the public on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Other than that it could operate experimentally as Doug and Marvin  have suggested.

With the use of N1MM+, it is quite easy to operate the station by just the operator. The station logger is only needed if the station operator wants one. Please, please, please...do NOT write down qso's on paper thinking to enter them later, enter the contact immediately into the log. As a result, each station should have a foot operated PTT and a desk mic  so that your hands are on the keyboard and not the mic.

REMEMBER, we are amateur radio operators who like to brag about how well we communicate, so lets do some communicating. There is a scant 3 weeks till the event, it will go by quickly...get things set up and done now, don't wait.

Send your feedback to

Each station on the layout should, by and large, stay on the band they are assigned, the 80m and 20/15/10 stations can easily run the FT8 mode by easily changing the radio's configuration with an SD card (this is the 7300's secret weapon), I'm not sure if Adam is set up for FT8.

The 3 stations are selected because they all have an auto-tuner and not a manual arrangement such as the clubs IC-707. It indeed could be used, however there will be those operating it that are not familiar with it. The 7300 just needs a button press to auto tune anywhere.

The GOTA station itself will only see action from the public on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Other than that it could operate experimentally as Doug and Marvin  have suggested.

With the use of N1MM+, it is quite easy to operate the station by just the operator. The station logger is only needed if the station operator wants one. Please, please, please...do NOT write down qso's on paper thinking to enter them later, enter the contact immediately into the log. As a result, each station should have a foot operated PTT and a desk mic  so that your hands are on the keyboard and not the mic.

REMEMBER, we are amateur radio operators who like to brag about how well we communicate, so lets do some communicating. There is a scant 3 weeks till the event, it will go by quickly...get things set up and done now, don't wait.

Dave VE3WI suggested that while pizza is ok, he would prefer BBQ or something else for next year.

Each station on the layout should, by and large, stay on the band they are assigned, the 80m and 20/15/10 stations can easily run the FT8 mode by easily changing the radio's configuration with an SD card (this is the 7300's secret weapon), I'm not sure if Adam is set up for FT8.

The 3 stations are selected because they all have an auto-tuner and not a manual arrangement such as the clubs IC-707. It indeed could be used, however there will be those operating it that are not familiar with it. The 7300 just needs a button press to auto tune anywhere.

The GOTA station itself will only see action from the public on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Other than that it could operate experimentally as Doug and Marvin  have suggested.

With the use of N1MM+, it is quite easy to operate the station by just the operator. The station logger is only needed if the station operator wants one. Please, please, please...do NOT write down qso's on paper thinking to enter them later, enter the contact immediately into the log. As a result, each station should have a foot operated PTT and a desk mic  so that your hands are on the keyboard and not the mic.

REMEMBER, we are amateur radio operators who like to brag about how well we communicate, so lets do some communicating. There is a scant 3 weeks till the event, it will go by quickly...get things set up and done now, don't wait.

Tom VA3TS .. station antennas should be multiband resonant dipoles so that each station can make use of any band that is not in use by another station. 

Each station on the layout should, by and large, stay on the band they are assigned, the 80m and 20/15/10 stations can easily run the FT8 mode by easily changing the radio's configuration with an SD card (this is the 7300's secret weapon), I'm not sure if Adam is set up for FT8.

The 3 stations are selected because they all have an auto-tuner and not a manual arrangement such as the clubs IC-707. It indeed could be used, however there will be those operating it that are not familiar with it. The 7300 just needs a button press to auto tune anywhere.

The GOTA station itself will only see action from the public on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Other than that it could operate experimentally as Doug and Marvin  have suggested.

With the use of N1MM+, it is quite easy to operate the station by just the operator. The station logger is only needed if the station operator wants one. Please, please, please...do NOT write down qso's on paper thinking to enter them later, enter the contact immediately into the log. As a result, each station should have a foot operated PTT and a desk mic  so that your hands are on the keyboard and not the mic.

REMEMBER, we are amateur radio operators who like to brag about how well we communicate, so lets do some communicating. There is a scant 3 weeks till the event, it will go by quickly...get things set up and done now, don't wait.

Tom VA3TS .. a site safety captain would be useful, to check on electrical issues, tower climbing safety, tripping hazards and lighting during the nighttime hours.

Each station on the layout should, by and large, stay on the band they are assigned, the 80m and 20/15/10 stations can easily run the FT8 mode by easily changing the radio's configuration with an SD card (this is the 7300's secret weapon), I'm not sure if Adam is set up for FT8.

The 3 stations are selected because they all have an auto-tuner and not a manual arrangement such as the clubs IC-707. It indeed could be used, however there will be those operating it that are not familiar with it. The 7300 just needs a button press to auto tune anywhere.

The GOTA station itself will only see action from the public on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Other than that it could operate experimentally as Doug and Marvin  have suggested.

With the use of N1MM+, it is quite easy to operate the station by just the operator. The station logger is only needed if the station operator wants one. Please, please, please...do NOT write down qso's on paper thinking to enter them later, enter the contact immediately into the log. As a result, each station should have a foot operated PTT and a desk mic  so that your hands are on the keyboard and not the mic.

REMEMBER, we are amateur radio operators who like to brag about how well we communicate, so lets do some communicating. There is a scant 3 weeks till the event, it will go by quickly...get things set up and done now, don't wait.

Tom VA3TS .. N1MM+ Lessons learned.... since there is no internet access, computer time settings can prevent FT8 from operating, A bug was found that one station had to turn off its firewall to allow the others to network it

Each station on the layout should, by and large, stay on the band they are assigned, the 80m and 20/15/10 stations can easily run the FT8 mode by easily changing the radio's configuration with an SD card (this is the 7300's secret weapon), I'm not sure if Adam is set up for FT8.

The 3 stations are selected because they all have an auto-tuner and not a manual arrangement such as the clubs IC-707. It indeed could be used, however there will be those operating it that are not familiar with it. The 7300 just needs a button press to auto tune anywhere.

The GOTA station itself will only see action from the public on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Other than that it could operate experimentally as Doug and Marvin  have suggested.

With the use of N1MM+, it is quite easy to operate the station by just the operator. The station logger is only needed if the station operator wants one. Please, please, please...do NOT write down qso's on paper thinking to enter them later, enter the contact immediately into the log. As a result, each station should have a foot operated PTT and a desk mic  so that your hands are on the keyboard and not the mic.

REMEMBER, we are amateur radio operators who like to brag about how well we communicate, so lets do some communicating. There is a scant 3 weeks till the event, it will go by quickly...get things set up and done now, don't wait.

Adam, ve3fp.. 2023 GBARC Field was a successful event in my opinion but as always we  had some technical issues with the setup. All stations were operating and making contacts after tweeks. My station was set up to do SSB, CW and Digi modes but CW Keyer decided to only send a string of dashes which became unusable for my favorite mode. Not all bad after all, I joined the other 2 stations on Digi modes, FT8 and PSK31. Managed to add a few QSO to the log. With the weather on our side this year, we spent a lot of time outdoors  "chin whacking" when not operating. One thing we need to do in the future is get more familiar with N1MM running other modes. Possibly run some sessions over the Zoom with anyone interested. All and all, great time, I'll be looking forward to next year's Field Day.  73,

Each station on the layout should, by and large, stay on the band they are assigned, the 80m and 20/15/10 stations can easily run the FT8 mode by easily changing the radio's configuration with an SD card (this is the 7300's secret weapon), I'm not sure if Adam is set up for FT8.

The 3 stations are selected because they all have an auto-tuner and not a manual arrangement such as the clubs IC-707. It indeed could be used, however there will be those operating it that are not familiar with it. The 7300 just needs a button press to auto tune anywhere.

The GOTA station itself will only see action from the public on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Other than that it could operate experimentally as Doug and Marvin  have suggested.

With the use of N1MM+, it is quite easy to operate the station by just the operator. The station logger is only needed if the station operator wants one. Please, please, please...do NOT write down qso's on paper thinking to enter them later, enter the contact immediately into the log. As a result, each station should have a foot operated PTT and a desk mic  so that your hands are on the keyboard and not the mic.

REMEMBER, we are amateur radio operators who like to brag about how well we communicate, so lets do some communicating. There is a scant 3 weeks till the event, it will go by quickly...get things set up and done now, don't wait.

Tom VA3TS .. A climbing belt and lanyard needs to be onsite. Also use a longer mast on the tower with a pulley on top to make raising and positioning the antenna easier.

Each station on the layout should, by and large, stay on the band they are assigned, the 80m and 20/15/10 stations can easily run the FT8 mode by easily changing the radio's configuration with an SD card (this is the 7300's secret weapon), I'm not sure if Adam is set up for FT8.

The 3 stations are selected because they all have an auto-tuner and not a manual arrangement such as the clubs IC-707. It indeed could be used, however there will be those operating it that are not familiar with it. The 7300 just needs a button press to auto tune anywhere.

The GOTA station itself will only see action from the public on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Other than that it could operate experimentally as Doug and Marvin  have suggested.

With the use of N1MM+, it is quite easy to operate the station by just the operator. The station logger is only needed if the station operator wants one. Please, please, please...do NOT write down qso's on paper thinking to enter them later, enter the contact immediately into the log. As a result, each station should have a foot operated PTT and a desk mic  so that your hands are on the keyboard and not the mic.

REMEMBER, we are amateur radio operators who like to brag about how well we communicate, so lets do some communicating. There is a scant 3 weeks till the event, it will go by quickly...get things set up and done now, don't wait.


Field Day, June 24-25 2023, 2pm local Saturday to 2pm local Sunday. This 24 hour event is the highlight of the Amateur Radio World. As usual GBARC will be participating in this special event.

In years past Field Day has been well attended and lots of fun for everyone who came. This year we hope to have another exceptionally good turn out and lots of stations on the air. However to properly prepare we need to know who's coming and what radios they will be putting on the air.

This year, as in years past, GBARC is hosting our Field Day event at Victoria Park in Owen Sound. This will be a multi-station event so we'll need lots of operators to cover all twelve hour time slots over the operating schedule. Directions

We also need to know if participants will be bringing an RV, trailer or tent to the site. Knowing this in advance will help us select our operating location. Being well organised requires that we have good information well in advance.

Our club objective is to have stations on the air during the entire  24 hours. Station operations over the 24 hours will be divided into 2 hour shifts representing 12 blocks of time. The more operators we have the better we can cover the schedule.

The call to action for members of GBARC is to contact me by email with the following information if you plan to operate at Field Day June 24-25 2023.

  • Will your participate in Field Day 2023?
  • Will your participation include actually operating the stations?
  • Will you be bringing an RV, Trailer or tent?
  • What radio(s) will you bring for your station, including a windows computer with N1MM+ installed and correctly set up?
  • What station accessories such as a swr/power meter, desk mic, voice keyer will you bring?
  • What antenna including feedlines will you bring?
  • Will you bring a generator?
  • Will you be attending dinner on Saturday? Whether this is a catered meal or pot luck will be finalized later.

To let the organizers know your intentions please send email

All Field Day logging will be done using N1MM+. This software will also allow computers to be networked across the Field Day site and individual logs captured into a single log.  Each station must have an HF radio, a Windows computer with N1MM+ logging software installed and the interface between the radio and computer. (newer radio's have them built-in).
This arrangement MUST be installed, setup and operation verified PRIOR to field day.

N1MM+ runs on the Windows operating system only, Linux or IOS or raspberry pi or even your phone will not be acceptable. All N1MM+ software must be updated to the latest version and all stations must use the same version.


Adam VE3FP is an expert in the installation, setup and operation of N1MM software. He has volunteered to assist operators install, set up and operate this important piece of software. The link to download and install N1MM+ as well as help files are located on this page above , but those who need assistance can reach out to him directly.

Volunteers needed

Site Planner(s), to look at where things like antenna and stations will be located.

The Field Day site needs have a central Access Point/Router so that all stations logs can communicate using Wifi. Supply a router, stand to put it on, either 120vac from a generator or devise and supply a battery backup that will last for 24 hours. Configured as an "access point" all we need is a username and password.
Adam VE3FP will supply the router   UN= GBARC PW= osarc123

The 20-15-10 beam and tower is located near Shallow Lake. A volunteer with a vehicle and trailer to move the portable tower and accessories to the field day site and return them afterwards. Dave VE3WI has agreed to provide trailer transportation of the tower and accy's

A person to arrange for a port-a-potty and attend the site when it is delivered. Inform the treasurer so the bill can be paid. Tom VA3TS has contacted A1 Rentals in Clarksburg, 24th May

A person to take charge of the Saturday meal. A club mailing will be used to gather preferences. We have in the past had a pot luck or ordered from a local restaurant. Pizza etc Doug VE3DGY

Supply a tent and a GOTA Station. Provide help and assistance to the general public, to explain or discuss our reasons for our club and field day. The club banner and sandwich boards should be brought by whoever has them. Our MPP, the Mayor and officials should be contacted. The Sun Times may have a local activities column. Marvin VE3VCG has taken this on.

Make up and supply handouts or audio/visual learning aids. Costs covered by the club for any commercial printing required.  VE3DGY


The club should consider supplying fuel or reimbursing those who provide generators.

On Saturday, it is usually planned to have dinner at the field day site as a group. Bring a chair, jacket, bug spray and whatever else for your comfort, maybe a pot luck.

Each station on the layout should, by and large, stay on the band they are assigned, the 80m and 20/15/10 stations can easily run the FT8 mode by easily changing the radio's configuration with an SD card (this is the 7300's secret weapon), I'm not sure if Adam is set up for FT8.

The 3 stations are selected because they all have an auto-tuner and not a manual arrangement such as the clubs IC-707. It indeed could be used, however there will be those operating it that are not familiar with it. The 7300 just needs a button press to auto tune anywhere.

The GOTA station itself will only see action from the public on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. Other than that it could operate experimentally as Doug and Marvin  have suggested.

With the use of N1MM+, it is quite easy to operate the station by just the operator. The station logger is only needed if the station operator wants one. Please, please, please...do NOT write down qso's on paper thinking to enter them later, enter the contact immediately into the log. As a result, each station should have a foot operated PTT and a desk mic  so that your hands are on the keyboard and not the mic.

REMEMBER, we are amateur radio operators who like to brag about how well we communicate, so lets do some communicating. There is a scant 3 weeks till the event, it will go by quickly...get things set up and done now, don't wait.

This is a compilation of the responses received from emails sent to the group.

Volunteers needed
The portable tower and TA33jr antenna takes some help to setup and again to take it down. If you can climb a tower that is 20 feet high, we would like to hear from you.
Will Attend

VE3WI Dave,
VE3PAV Bobby,
VA3NIR Norman,
VA3TS Tom,
VA3GUF Frank,
VE3DGY Doug,
VE3FP Adam,
VE3VCG Marvin
VE3QVC Phillip
VE3WDF Larry
Will Operate

VE3WI Dave,
VE3PAV Bobby,
VA3NIR Norman,
VA3TS Tom,
VA3GUF Frank,
VE3DGY Doug,
VE3FP Adam,
VE3VCG Marvin
VE3WDF Larry
Trailer to house a station

VA3GUF Utility, Covered


VE3RQY Utility, Covered

VE3WI Utility
Tent to house a station

VE3VCG, popup shelter


VE3WDF Larry Camping Dining Tent
Will bring a radio Station
Includes mic, pwr supply, power bar,tuner,laptop running N1MM+, table, chair, light

80m VA3TS , IC7300, 80m Dipole

40m VE3FP , TS-590, T2FD

20/15/10m VE3DGY , IC7300, HexBeam

VE3VCG  IC707, various antennas

VA3TS Tom, 80m dipole

VE3FP Adam, T2FD 40m & HexBeam for 20/15/10

VE3VCG Marvin

VE3DGY Doug, EFHW Cameleon

Club has a portable tower and tri-band beam...
transportation supplied by VE3WI Dave

VA3TS RG213 100"



VE3WI 100'&25'


VE3DGY  & Battery

VE3RQY , extension cords only

VA3GUF Honda 2000 as backup
Attending Dinner

VE3WI Dave,
VE3PAV Bobby,
VA3NIR Norman,
VA3TS Tom,
VA3GUF Frank,
VE3DGY Doug,
VE3FP Adam,
VE3VCG Marvin
VE3QVC Phillip?
VE3WDF Larry
Has Tables/Chairs

VE3WI , 2-5' tables and chairs

VE3VCG , 5" table
To let the organizers know your intentions
please send email
If a pot luck dinner is contemplated, this little system has worked in past years. 
If your callsign begins with A to M , bring a meal item, if N to Z, bring a snack or desert item.
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