Field Day, June 24-25 2023, 2pm local Saturday to 2pm local Sunday. This 24 hour event is the highlight of the Amateur Radio World. As usual GBARC will be participating in this special event.
In years past Field Day has been well attended and lots of fun for everyone who came. This year we hope to have another exceptionally good turn out and lots of stations on the air. However to properly prepare we need to know who's coming and what radios they will be putting on the air.
This year, as in years past, GBARC is hosting our Field Day event at Victoria Park in Owen Sound. This will be a multi-station event so we'll need lots of operators to cover all twelve hour time slots over the operating schedule. Directions
We also need to know if participants will be bringing an RV, trailer or tent to the site. Knowing this in advance will help us select our operating location. Being well organised requires that we have good information well in advance.
Our club objective is to have stations on the air during the entire 24 hours. Station operations over the 24 hours will be divided into 2 hour shifts representing 12 blocks of time. The more operators we have the better we can cover the schedule.
The call to action for members of GBARC is to contact me by email with the following information if you plan to operate at Field Day June 24-25 2023.
To let the organizers know your intentions please send email
All Field Day logging will be done using N1MM+. This software will also allow computers to be networked across the Field Day site and individual logs captured into a single log. Each station must have an HF radio, a Windows computer with N1MM+ logging software installed and the interface between the radio and computer. (newer radio's have them built-in).
This arrangement MUST be installed, setup and operation verified PRIOR to field day.
N1MM+ runs on the Windows operating system only, Linux or IOS or raspberry pi or even your phone will not be acceptable. All N1MM+ software must be updated to the latest version and all stations must use the same version.
Adam VE3FP is an expert in the installation, setup and operation of N1MM software. He has volunteered to assist operators install, set up and operate this important piece of software. The link to download and install N1MM+ as well as help files are located on this page above , but those who need assistance can reach out to him directly.
Volunteers needed
Site Planner(s), to look at where things like antenna and stations will be located.
The Field Day site needs have a central Access Point/Router so that all stations logs can communicate using Wifi. Supply a router, stand to put it on, either 120vac from a generator or devise and supply a battery backup that will last for 24 hours. Configured as an "access point" all we need is a username and password.
Adam VE3FP will supply the router UN= GBARC PW= osarc123
The 20-15-10 beam and tower is located near Shallow Lake. A volunteer with a vehicle and trailer to move the portable tower and accessories to the field day site and return them afterwards. Dave VE3WI has agreed to provide trailer transportation of the tower and accy's
A person to arrange for a port-a-potty and attend the site when it is delivered. Inform the treasurer so the bill can be paid. Tom VA3TS has contacted A1 Rentals in Clarksburg, 24th May
A person to take charge of the Saturday meal. A club mailing will be used to gather preferences. We have in the past had a pot luck or ordered from a local restaurant. Pizza etc Doug VE3DGY
Supply a tent and a GOTA Station. Provide help and assistance to the general public, to explain or discuss our reasons for our club and field day. The club banner and sandwich boards should be brought by whoever has them. Our MPP, the Mayor and officials should be contacted. The Sun Times may have a local activities column. Marvin VE3VCG has taken this on.
Make up and supply handouts or audio/visual learning aids. Costs covered by the club for any commercial printing required. VE3DGY
The club should consider supplying fuel or reimbursing those who provide generators.