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The license classes in Canada

The short story is that in Canada, there are three levels of license class.

You can have the Basic qualification
You can have the Basic with Honours qualification.
You can have either of the previous two plus the Advanced qualification.

The requirement for Morse Code was dropped a few years ago but ... you can still pass this test, and if you do and have attained the Basic qualification, then you are deemed to have the Basic with Honours.

Normally, to do this, you must take a written (multiple Choice) 100 question exam.

If you obtain a mark of 70% but not higher than 79%, then you have passed the Basic qualification.

If you obtain a mark of 80% or higher, then you have obtained the Basic qualifications with Honours.
A person with the Basic qualification may use frequencies above 50Mhz, at a power not greater than 250 watts.
A person with the
Basic qualification with Honours
  may use frequencies at 1.8Mhz and above,
at a power not greater than 250 watts
These two qualifications also have a restriction such that only commercially made equipment may be used.

The following privileges and restrictions are applicable to the Advanced Qualification:
-access to all amateur bands below 30 MHz
-use of maximum transmitter power of 1000 watts DC input
-build and operate transmitting equipment
-modify radio apparatus by computer program or physical modifications to the circuitry
-establishment of repeaters and club stations
-remote control of fixed stations, including the use of radio links

I'm sure some of these terms may not be self evident but will be explained in the study guide and during our course.

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